Air Conditioning Myths Busted



Central air conditioning is a staple of most homes in South Jersey. During the scorching summer months, coming into a nice cool home is just about the best thing you can ask for. Yet, despite most people having air conditioning systems in their home, there are still so many myths out there regarding air conditioning. Worst of all, some of these myths cost homeowners hundreds or even thousands of dollars each year.

As a trusted HVAC contractor offering air conditioning installation in South Jersey, we felt it was our duty to bust some of these myths. So here it goes.

#1. You Should Turn Your AC Off When You Leave Your House

This is a common myth that is rooted in trying to save energy. On the surface, it makes sense: if you’re not home, why would you run the AC? The truth is, you will waste more energy turning your AC on and off constantly. If you turn the AC off when you leave, it actually has to work harder when you turn it back on when you get home. Instead, you should raise the thermostat a few degrees when you are out rather than shutting it off completely.

#2. The Bigger The Unit, The Better It Will Be

Again, at face value, this would make sense: a bigger unit should in theory keep your home cooler while working less. When you buy a unit that is designed for a bigger space, what really happens is it turns on and off in quick succession, which actually uses more electricity and causes the unit to wear out faster. So, not only will you spend more each month, but you will also need to replace the unit sooner.

#3. You Can Replace Air Filters Once A Year

Air filters play a really important role in keeping your home cool and comfortable. They help to keep the air clean that is circulating through your home and when they aren’t replaced often, they can force your unit to work harder. That is why you should make sure to replace your filters often. Talk to your South Jersey HVAC contractor if you’re not sure when to replace them.

#4. Keeping Your Fans Running Will Decrease How Often Your AC Has To Run

Homeowners often mistake ceiling fans for air conditioners. While fans are great to circulate the air, they actually don’t cool the air. Fans should only be used when someone is in the room. Keeping ceiling fans on all day is only costing you money.

$5. You Don’t Need To Have Your AC Unit Serviced

This is probably the biggest myth of them all. Most homeowners assume that the only time they need to call an HVAC contractor is to repair an AC unit. The truth is, you should have your unit serviced regularly. This will keep your system running more efficiently and for longer. 

With these myths busted, you can not only save money, but can also increase the efficiency and longevity of your system. You are now ready to save yourself some money. Well, as long as you get regularly scheduled air conditioning service in South Jersey. 

