3 Reasons Your Circuit Breaker Keeps Tripping



So, your circuit breaker keeps tripping—what’s going on? There are a few different reasons why this occurs. From increased power demand to faulty wiring, it’s important to get to the bottom of a trippy breaker. If your circuit breaker keeps tripping, chances are, it’s speaking to a larger issue and not a fault of its own.

Here are three reasons why it could be happening to you.

Why the Circuit Breaker Keeps Tripping in Your Home

Overloaded Circuit
Overloading a circuit in your home is the most common reason your circuit breaker keeps tripping. When there are too many appliances or light fixtures operating at once on a single circuit, it attempts to draw more power than the circuit can safely handle. An internal mechanism senses the excess power load, rendering the circuit inactive when the breaker “trips.”

This trip is designed to prevent overheating due to high load on the circuit you’re. If your breaker trips regularly, it could be a sign that too much demand is on a single circuit. Try rearranging appliances and light fixtures on other circuits so they aren’t all connected to the same one.

Short Circuit
When “hot” or active wires touch each other or they touch a neutral wire in one of your outlets, the result is a short circuit. This means that a large current flow was created and produced more heat than the circuit could handle. Causes range from damaged or improper wiring, loose connections, or a defective cord, appliance, switch, or fixture.

Short circuits should cause your breaker to trip or even a fuse to blow and you should address the problem immediately. They can cause smoke, popping sounds, or sparks. There may also be blackening around the outlet or burning smell. This scenario is more serious and will likely require the help of a trained electrician.

Ground Fault
Ground faults occur when a hot wire touches the ground wire and are usually the result of damaged or malfunctioning equipment. This means that unintentional contact between an energized conductor and the ground or equipment frame has occurred.

When a ground fault occurs, it causes a reduction in resistance and an increase in electrical flow. Because of this change, the circuit breaker will trip.

If the circuit breaker keeps tripping in your home and you cannot identify the source of the problem, we’re here to help. Don’t let a constant trip disrupt your daily life or become a hazard you ignore. We offer 24-hour services, so never hesitate to call: 856.769.3932.


