Planning on putting up Halloween Lights This Year? Here’s 4 Fun Ideas To Make Your House Even Spookier This Year



There was a time when holiday lights were reserved only for Christmas. Now, though, lights are used for many different holidays, none more so than Halloween.

When it comes to Halloween lights, there are so many ways to use them to spruce up your decorations. And because most Halloween decorations create an already spooky atmosphere, adding some lights strategically around your yard can really take your decorations to the next level.

Whether you want to call a South Jersey electrician or not, here are a few Halloween lighting ideas for your home this year.

Colored bulbs for your porch

While orange and the official colors of Halloween, when it comes to adding a little spookiness to your yard, red and blue can go a long way. One of the best places to throw a little color with some Halloween lights is your front porch.

Switching out your regular bulbs for a red or blue bulb will give your house that spooky quality that will really make your home standout. A simple switch to red or blue bulbs will really be a treat for trick or treaters, as well as any neighbors who pass by your house in the weeks leading up to Halloween.

Lighting nets for your trees

What is spookier than a tree with no leaves? Not only does it fit in perfectly with the overall “dead” themes of Halloween, but it also creates creepy shadows. Yet, they are usually not visible at night, which is the perfect time to put your Halloweeen decorations on full display.

The solution: some lighting nets! Throwing a lighting net over a few trees will make them a focal point of your design and will also give those creepy shadows the ability to come to life every night. 

Create walkways and paths with string lights

You don’t need to hire a South Jersey residential electric contractor to create lighted pathways for your Halloween decorations. Instead, you can opt to use string lights to create paths. 

It is best to use blue lights to complement any other decorations you have. These pathways are great if you set up grave decorations or have skeletons hanging in parts of your yard. It can tie everything together to create a cohesive looking design.

Use flood lights to create atmosphere

Halloween decorations tend to be spread across your yard. You may have skeletons and ghosts hanging from some trees, a few inflatables and maybe some graves adorning your lawn. If you want to put some extra emphasis on a particular decoration or bring the whole thing to life, flood lights could be just the thing you need.

Set up the floodlights strategically to capture and create the atmosphere you want. 

Designing a Halloween set up for your yard is becoming more and more popular. If you’re ready to take your decorations to the next level this year, these lighting ideas will definitely help!

