With the increasing use of electrical devices in our home, the “Internet of Things” turning simple objects like toasters and refrigerators into complex computers, and electrical outlets being added for easy device charging on nearly every piece of furniture on the market, it’s becoming a challenge for even the savviest electrical safety expert to create a safe environment for children.
It’s no longer enough to simply install electrical outlet covers, so we put together a list of electrical safety tips to help keep your children safe.
Yes, Still Install Those Traditional Plastic Electrical Outlet Covers
The absolute first thing you should do is cover the basics. Traditional wall outlets still provide the greatest exposure to dangerous electrical currents. A quick trip to your local hardware store, pharmacy, or retail chain is sure to provide plenty of options. Be sure to count each electrical outlet within the livable areas where you expect children to be before purchasing.
Secure Exposed Wires and Cords
It should first be said that there should be absolutely no exposed wires in any livable space, with or without children. If you find exposed wires, contact your local electrician immediately.
While power cords pose far less risk, they should still be secured so as not to come in contact with children. This means ensuring no cords are running across floors or walkways, hanging within reaching distance, and if possible, are secured together behind computer stations and entertainment centers.
Never Use Appliances or Electronics Near Water
It isn’t just toasters and hair dryers that are dangerous when used near water. Today, we use our smartphones, tablets, and other electronics to play music, games, and videos with our children, putting them at risk if use near a sink, pool, or tub. While they may seem small, it requires a great deal of power to run a mobile device, and should be treated just like any other electronic and kept far from reach when near water.
Educate Children with Family Safety Meetings
Regular safety meetings aren’t just for the workplace; by taking the time to walk through your home with your family, pointing out possible hazards, you can help your children to understand electrical safety.
Understanding electrical safety does not end inside the home, it is important to also inform children of the dangers of downed power lines and trees that may be touching power lines.
With a little bit of effort, you can help create an environment that is free from electrical hazards and safe for your children. If you need an electrical contractor in New Jersey, Delaware, Pennsylvania, or Maryland, contact Eric M. Krise Electrical Contractor by clicking here or by calling us at (856) 769-3932.