How to Prepare For Winter Power Outages




Power outages can happen at any time as each season has its own hazards.  While summer’s thunderstorms can often lead to power outages, winter’s ice and snow storms (which can also carry lightning with them) can wreak just as much havoc on the power grid. Heavy snow and ice can down trees and power lines leaving you in the dark. And winter’s bad weather can hamper the electric company’s repair efforts.

In today’s high tech world, power outages can also create problems like having cellphones either go out—if towers are affected—or unable to be recharged along with computers and other devices, cutting you off from emergency information. That makes preparing for a winter power outage even more important.

Of course, one of the key ways to prepare for any power outage is to install an electric generator to serve as a back-up power source for your home of small business. In the winter, this protection can be especially important of your home or business has electric heat.

Generators can also be critical for medical reasons if someone in the home depends on electrical medical equipment. Generators also protect foodstuffs in refrigerators and freezers which, even in winter, can be critical for businesses storing food.

A generator also helps keep you connected by keeping your internet connection operating, which is especially important for a business which depends on internet sales.

And don’t underestimate the simple safety of keeping the lights on in your home during long winter nights.

Here at Eric Krise Electrical Contractors we offer a wide range of portable generators to suit your family and business needs. We can help find the right generator for you.

In the meantime, here’s a look at safety precautions we should all take to be prepared for power outages from FEMA’s program.

Before a Power Outage

  • Ensure that your emergency preparedness kit is fully stocked and nothing is expired.
  • Charge all cell phones and any battery powered devices that you will need. If you have an alternative charging method, prepare it for use.
  • If the power goes out, you’ll need to keep food cold. Purchase ice and place it in your freezer.
  • Fill up your car’s tank with gas.
  • Many communities have emergency plans. Know what your town’s plans are, including where to go in case of an emergency, and where heating and cooling shelters are located.
  • If you or a family member rely on anything health-related that needs a battery, have a back-up plan.

During a Power Outage: Safety Tips

  • Try to not use candles unless you absolutely have to. They are too much of a fire risk. Flashlights should be used for emergency lighting.
  • During a power outage, try to keep the refrigerator and freezer doors closed as much as possible. Food will stay in good condition for several hours as long as it stays cold.
  • Do not use your oven as a way to get heat. Wear layers of warm clothing rather than one big bulky piece of clothing. If the power outage is going to last longer than anticipated, find a relative or friend’s house, or a warming shelter. You can even visit a library or other public place.
  • Power surges can damage your appliances when the electricity comes back on. Be sure to turn off and disconnect appliances, computers, or anything else you may have plugged in.
  • Only use generators away from your home and NEVER run a generator inside a home or garage, or connect it to your home’s electrical system. For more information about generators contact us at Eric Krise Electrical.

After a Power Outage

  • Throw away any food that has been exposed to temperatures 40° F (4° C) for 2 hours or more. If the food as an odd odor, color, or texture, get rid of it. However, if food in the freezer is colder than 40° F and has ice crystals on it, you can refreeze it.
  • Don’t forget to restock your emergency kit.

Do you live in Gloucester County, Salem County, or Cumberland County and have questions about purchasing a backup power generator for your home or business? Give us a call at 856.769.3932.

