Light Up Your Landscape With These Bright Ideas




There are a lot of high-tech gadgets that can be installed into your home these days from smart appliances to security systems. But outside your home, things can still be very simple and low voltage, yet transform your outdoors spaces in ways you can barely imagine.

We’re talking about outdoor landscaping lights. Now, you may think a box of solar landscape lights from the supermarket create a nice atmosphere. Well, if you like that, maybe it’s time to think outside the box.

Landscape lighting using a fully installed, low-voltage system can transform your yard at night and highlight all that hard work and expensive landscaping you’ve installed. After all, why should it be hidden just because it got dark?

And through the use of landscape lights, you can achieve effects such as moonlight beaming down from a tree canopy to subtle light washing over garden walls. In the end, modern landscape lighting is more about artistry than utility.

Here’s good examples of creative outdoor landscape lighting design ideas from to whet your appetite and take back the night in your own yard.

Accorinding to House Logic, one of the great effects of a well-designed outdoor lighting plan is a naturalistic look that mimics the light of a full moon, but still leaves beautiful shadows and highlights.

Techniques include:

Highlight Trees

A beautifully light tree looks great no matter what time of the year. From springtime, when it’s blooming, to summer when it’s at its peak green, to fall, when the leaves are turning, a well-lit tree adds a touch of pizazz to a lawn. Mount a light shining up towards the trunk and into the leaves for a beautiful effect. Whet

Use Uplights

We’re seeing more and more homes using this dramatic effect. And we agree with House Logic when they say used in moderation, it’s a great way to highlight architectural and landscaping features.

Vary the Fixtures

Mix it up a bit and have fun with your outdoor lighting. Flood lights and spotlights are great, but you can even add lights to your step, in planters, and even along your deck or fire pit area.


Timers on your lights not only save you effort, but also electric costs. Customize your lights to come on when you want them to, and off when you no longer want them on. By using a timer, there is no longer a need to remember to turn them off and on every day, and also brings a level of safety to your home, even when you are not there.

Do you live in Gloucester, Salem, or Cumberland County and would like a free quote for your landscape lighting project? Call us at 856.769.3932.

