Tired of Adding Space Heaters Around Your Home? Consider Upgrading Your Heating System



When the cold weather starts creeping into your home, it shouldn’t be a sign to bust out the space heaters. While space heaters definitely serve a purpose and are certainly useful, they should not be the solution for heating your home. 

If you find yourself needing to add more space heaters to your home each year to keep your home warm, you need to call a South Jersey HVAC contractor to discuss your current heating system. 

Why You Shouldn’t Rely On Space Heaters To Heat Your Home

If there is one thing you should not use space heaters for, it’s to heat your home. They are great for adding some temporary heat to a garage or shed, but they should be used sparingly inside your home. 

Fire Danger: Space heaters are notorious for the dangers they pose and the most dangerous aspect is fire. Space heaters are able to focus a lot of heat on a small area in a small amount of time. This means it heats anything that is in its path, including rugs, carpets, clothes, etc. 

High Energy Use: Space heaters use a ton of energy. If you use them regularly and rely on them for heating your home, you can expect to see a huge electric bill.

Poor Air Quality: Not only do space heaters use a lot of energy and pose fire risks; they can also decrease the air quality. This is especially true if they are used in rooms with poor ventilation.

Why You Should Opt For A Heating System

There are a lot of different reasons why you may be relying on space heaters to heat your home. No matter what the reasons are, though, the solution is to call a South Jersey HVAC contractor to talk about a home heating system.

Depending on what your current heating situation is, you will likely have a few different options for how to solve your heating problems.

Heating Repair: One option is to get your heating system repaired. Your issues may be with your current heating system not working properly, and with heating repairs in South Jersey, you will be able to ditch the space heaters.

Heating Installation: You may be relying on space heaters because you either don’t have a heating system in your home or your system is completely broken. In that case, your best bet will likely be heating installation in South Jersey.

Heating Upgrade: It might be the case that you have a system that is working, but it just needs to be upgraded. 

Winter should be a time to enjoy and it can be difficult to enjoy it when you’re constantly cold in your home. Space heaters may provide some temporary heat, but you should never rely on them to heat your home. Instead, you should call a South Jersey HVAC contractor to discuss your heating system. 

